Monday 1 September 2014

Why an Indian Gay Men (& even straight men too) Should Not Go Crazy Behind Diet!

 Before all those technical, medical, dietary vocabulary starts gathering in your mind I want to say that, calm down guys. This is not gonna be like regular post where self-proclaimed nutritionist preaches about fitness and health.

 In fact I am gonna say opposite. Why we should not get obsessed with diet and miss one of the greatest pleasures of life. I know diets is important, it keeps you fit, body in temple and all those punchlines I know. But after seeing all my diet obsessed friend I see that they are avoiding one of the most delicious foods and drinks and missing the fun. I know we all wanna look good, fine and have that hot dashing personality and we all work towards it every day by shedding litres of sweat in the gym. We all take those expensive gym memberships and post pics on FB from. I too have a gym membership where I go and workout regularly and always adore muscular improvement of my body. But is that all?

 Seeing expanded big muscles makes you feel touch the sky and gives your eyes pleasure but what about other organs? What about nose that wanna smell great recipes and tongue that wanna embrace taste of enormously delicious recipes. What will replace this joy? Few more likes on facebook? Life is short and heavily unpredictable, relationships are heavily getting fragile and nothing is long lastingly reliable. If this was less then everyday new health problems are occurring. Every month health magazine writes side effects of some vegetable and after googling about it  you shall find benefits of same vegetable on other website. So if every food has its own set of advantages and disadvantages why should we sacrifice the taste of palate and avoid it just because some magazine said so? If you are committed to your gym then no food item can build extra layer of fats on your tummy and no ingredient can still those muscles from your biceps.

  As Elizabeth Gilbert wrote in Eat, Pray & Love; no guy is gonna notice that extra pound on your body once he sees you naked, all he is gonna see that is you are naked. I am not saying here that stops gyming, stop diet and be fat. No! All I want to say that be slow, don’t get obsessed with any new trend. It is your life and only you are gonna fill it with beautiful or awful experiences. Our country has beautiful delicacies and so other countries too. Enjoy that food, that variety and satiate your tongue. Those temporary abs gained after following strict diet does not guarantee genuinely romantic boyfriend but that one plate of Pani-Puri or Samosa-Chat definitely guarantees good time with friends and some permanent good memories for future.  Those big muscles gained after meal replacement protein shake does give happiness but it is not as high as enjoying parathas with ghee at weekly family reunion dinner.  

 At the end all that matters is happiness and relationships with people in life. At the end only remain is memories. So guys make some good memories for future. Let this food be the reason to create them. Definitely do hard gymind, diet but don’t go crazy behind it and don’t give distance to food. Who knows tomorrow by some reason you get restricted to eat certain item for life? Before that have it and enjoy it. 

Satiating desire of heart is not in your hands but at least satiating hunger for taste is in your plate. So grab it :)

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