Monday 4 August 2014

Some relationships teach us some relationships test

I know it is lot of happening out there in mainstream world. There’s a lot of political, economic and psychological unpredictability. These things do affect our normal lives and our relationships. People involved in relationship are the main pillars of relationsip. So their personalities, moods and behaviour does leave direct effect on relation and on the other person involved in it.  If you see around, break ups have become more frequent and inevitable part of everyone’s life. People are leaving their partners, they don’t want to be in relationship why? Reasons could be so many but the main bottom line of those reasons could be they are not happy with what they have and may be they are expecting something different much better partner than they presently have.

  Remember those school days when our parents would meet our teachers after the results of exams and ask them to tell us the scope of improvement in that subject so that next time we will get more marks in exam? I think even in this age we should do this thing. I am not asking to talk to newly become ex and beg to hear flaws but to introspect ourselves and take account of things that came to us in that relationship.  We should ask a question to ourselves that, ‘it is fine now that that guy has gone but how I feel now? Am I still confident and holding myself up?’ ‘Am I regretting?’ ‘Did I put all my best to save this relationship’ ‘Where should I be putting my more focus now? Job? Parents? Health? Savings?’

  They say don’t dwell in the past but these few questions you have to ask yourself. And see what kind of answers you receive from them, positive or negative? 

Few years back in one British newspaper an article came saying after certain number of heartbreaks you get your soul mate. So in this case can we say that these certain heart brakes makes you more mature and deserving candidate in the race of getting “that special one”? If the answer is yes then it can be said that every relationship teaches you something. But also it tests you. Eastern philosophies say that sacrifice is the key base of any relationship. Everyone who is into relationship sacrifices something towards it. These sacrifices could not be monetary only, they are of different kinds.

  Hence while doing these sacrifices a person also swallows lot of patience. Patience is very difficult thing to digest. While doing these all these things slowly you realize that your cycle has turned into testing and the yesterday’s sweet sugary relationship has suddenly turned up into a tricky fragile test of patience, sacrifice and quest of seeking true desire of heart. Sometimes it become difficult, intolerable and you feel like throwing all these things off, get rid of the bond and be free again.  But then guess what ? Suddenly love of life, does something or say something or even look at you with those lovely eyes and all dilemmas and urging vanishes in the minute and all you find yourself on lovely land of love with your boyfriend.

The heart says YES! This is the reason worth struggling for, I can bear thousand bad days in office just to see him in the evening.  I love him and he loves me and I am so happy in this relationship.

The small bond name relationship suddenly become source of living and food for soul and all those teachings earned from introspection and tests given in relationship starts making sense.

Relationship teaches us great thing by taking great tests. 

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